الأحد، 18 يوليو 2021





Fish stock.


Ingredients:- 2 lbs. of beef or veal (these are often omitted), any quite white fish trimmings, of fish which are to be dressed for table, 2 onions, the rind of 1/2 a lemon, a bunch of sweet herbs, 2 carrots, 2 quarts of water. 

Mode:- hack the fish, and put it, with the opposite ingredients, into the water. Simmer for two hours; skim the liquor carefully, and strain it. When a richer stock is needed , fry the vegetables and fish before adding the water. 

Time. 2 hours. 

Note. don't make fish stock long before it's wanted, because it soon turns sour. 

Crayfish soup.


Ingredients:- 50 crayfish, 1/4 lb. of butter, 6 anchovies, the crumb of 1 French roll, a touch lobster-spawn, seasoning to taste, 2 quarts of medium stock or fish stock. 

Mode:- Shell the crayfish, and put the fish between two plates until they're wanted; pound the shells during a mortar, with the butter and anchovies; when well beaten, add a pint of stock, and simmer for 3/4 of an hour. Strain it through a hair sieve, put the rest of the stock thereto , with the crumb of the rolls; provides it one boil, and rub it through a tammy, with the lobster-spawn. Put within the fish, but don't let the soup boil, after it's been rubbed through the tammy. If necessary, add seasoning. 

Time. 1-1/2 hour. 

Eel soup.


Ingredients:- 3 lbs. of eels, 1 onion, 2 oz. of butter, 3 blades of mace, 1 bunch of sweet herbs, 1/4 oz. of peppercorns, salt to taste, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, 1/4 pint of cream, 2 quarts of water. 

Mode:- Wash the eels, cut them into thin slices, and put them within the stewpan with the butter; allow them to simmer for a couple of minutes, then pour the water to them, and add the onion, cut in thin slices, the herbs, mace, and seasoning. Simmer till the eels are tender, but don't break the fish. Take them out carefully, mix the flour smoothly to a batter with the cream, bring it to a boil, pour over the eels, and serve. 

Time. 1 hour, or rather more. 

Note. This soup could also be flavoured differently by omitting the cream, and adding a touch ketchup. 

Lobster soup.


Ingredients. 3 large lobsters, or 6 small ones; the crumb of a French roll, 2 anchovies, 1 onion, 1 small bunch of sweet herbs, 1 strip of lemon-peel, 2 oz. of butter, a touch nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful of flour, 1 pint of cream, 1 pint of milk; forcemeat balls, mace, salt and pepper to taste, bread crumbs, 1 egg, 2 quarts of water. 

Mode:- Pick the meat from the lobsters, and beat the fins, chine, and little claws during a mortar, previously removing the brown fin and therefore the bag within the head. Put it during a stewpan, with the crumb of the roll, anchovies, onions, herbs, lemon-peel, and therefore the water; simmer gently till all the goodness is extracted, and strain it off. Pound the spawn during a mortar, with the butter, nutmeg, and flour, and blend with it the cream and milk. Give one boil up, at an equivalent time adding the tails cut in pieces. Make the forcemeat balls with the rest of the lobster, seasoned with mace, pepper, and salt, adding a touch flour, and a couple of bread crumbs; moisten them with the egg, heat them within the soup, and serve. 

Time. 2 hours, or rather more. 

Oyster soup -1.


Ingredients:- 6 dozen of oysters, 2 quarts of white stock, 1/2 pint of cream, 2 oz. of butter, 1-1/2 oz. of flour; salt, cayenne, and mace to taste. 

Mode:- Scald the oysters in their own liquor; take them out, beard them, and put them during a tureen. Take a pint of the stock, put within the beards and therefore the liquor, which must be carefully strained, and simmer for 1/2 an hour. Take it off the hearth , strain it again, and add the rest of the stock with the seasoning and mace. Bring it to a boil, add the thickening of butter and flour, simmer for five minutes, stir within the boiling cream, pour it over the oysters, and serve. 

Time. 1 hour. 

Note. This soup are often made less rich by using milk rather than cream, and thickening with arrowroot rather than butter and flour. 

Oyster soup -2


Ingredients:- 2 quarts of excellent mutton broth, 6 dozen oysters, 2 oz. butter, 1 oz. of flour. 

Mode:- Beard the oysters, and scald them in their own liquor; then add it, well strained, to the broth; thicken with the butter and flour, and simmer for 1/4 of an hour. Put within the oysters, stir well, but don't let it boil, and serve extremely popular . 

Time. 3/4 hour. 

Prawn soup.


Ingredients:- 2 quarts of fish stock or water, 2 pints of prawns, the crumbs of a French roll, sauce or mushroom ketchup to taste, 1 blade of mace, 1 pint of vinegar, a touch lemon-juice. 

Mode:- detect the tails of the prawns, put the bodies during a stewpan with 1 blade of mace, 1/2 pint of vinegar, and therefore the same quantity of water; stew them for 1/4 hour, and strain off the liquor. Put the fish stock or water into a stewpan; add the strained liquor, pound the prawns with the crumb of a roll moistened with a touch of the soup, rub them through a tammy, and blend them by degrees with the soup; add ketchup or sauce to taste, with a touch lemon-juice. When it's well cooked, put during a few picked prawns; allow them to get thoroughly hot, and serve. If not thick enough, put during a little butter and flour. 

Time. 1 hour. 



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