السبت، 17 يوليو 2021





With the stomach and other digestive organs during a state of perfect health, one is entirely unconscious of their existence, save when of feeling of hunger calls attention to the very fact that food is required, or satiety warns us that a sufficient amount or an excessive amount of has been eaten. Perfect digestion can only be maintained by careful observance of the principles of health in reference to habits of eating. 

On the topic of Hygiene of Digestion, we quote a couple of paragraphs from Dr. Kellogg's work on Physiology, during which is given a concise summary of the more details concerning this: 

"The hygiene of digestion has got to do with the standard and quantity of food eaten, within the manner of eating it. 

If the food is eaten too rapidly, it'll not be properly divided, and when swallowed in coarse lumps, the digestive fluids cannot readily influence it. On account of the insufficient mastication, the saliva are going to be deficient in quantity, and, as a consequence, the starch won't be digested, and therefore the stomach won't secrete a sufficient amount of digestive juice . it's not well to eat only soft or liquid food, as we are likely to swallow it without proper chewing. a substantial proportion of hard food, which needs thorough mastication, should be eaten at every meal. 

Drinking Freely at Meals is harmful, because it not only encourages hasty eating, but dilutes the digestive juice , and thus lessens its activity. The food should be chewed until sufficiently moistened by saliva to permit it to be swallowed. When large quantities of fluid are taken into the stomach, digestion doesn't begin until a substantial portion of the fluid has been absorbed. If cold foods or drinks are crazy the meal, like ice-cream, ice-water, iced milk or tea, the stomach is chilled, and an extended delay within the digestive process is occasioned. 

The Indians of Brazil carefully abstain from drinking when eating, and therefore the same custom prevails among many other savage tribes. 

Eating between Meals.


The habit of eating apples, nuts, fruits, confectionery, etc., between meals is exceedingly harmful, and bound to produce loss of appetite and indigestion. The stomach also because the muscles and other organs of the body requires rest. The frequency with which meals should be taken depends somewhat upon the age and occupation of a private . Infants take their food at short intervals, and due to its simple character, are ready to digest it very quickly. Adults shouldn't take food oftener than 3 times a day; and persons whose employment is sedentary say, in many cases a minimum of , adopt with advantage the plan of the traditional Greeks, who ate but twice each day . 

Simplicity in Diet.


Taking too many sorts of food at a meal may be a normal fault which is usually a explanation for disease of the digestive-organs. Those nations are the foremost hardy and enduring whose dietary is most straightforward . The Scotch peasantry live chiefly upon oatmeal, Irish upon potatoes, milk, and oatmeal, the Italian upon peas, beans, macaroni, and chestnuts; yet of these are noted for remarkable health and endurance. The natives of the Canary Islands , an exceedingly well-developed and vigorous race, subsist almost chiefly upon a food which they call gofio, consisting of parched grain, coarsely ground during a mortar and mixed with water. 

Eating when Tired.


It is not well to eat when exhausted by violent exercise, because the system isn't prepared to try to to the work of digestion well. Sleeping immediately after eating is additionally a harmful practice. the method of digestion cannot rather be performed during sleep, and sleep is disturbed by the ineffective efforts of the digestive organs. Hence the well-known evil effects lately suppers. 

Eating an excessive amount of .


Hasty eating is that the greatest explanation for over-eating. When one eats too rapidly, the food is crowded into the stomach so fast that nature has no time to cry, 'Enough,' by removing the appetite before an excessive amount of has been eaten. When an more than food is taken, it's likely to ferment or sour before it are often digested. One who eats an excessive amount of usually feels dull after eating." 



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