الأحد، 11 يوليو 2021



As a rule, we elect to grow bush beans instead of pole beans. I cannot structure my mind whether or not this is often from sheer laziness. during a city backyard the tall varieties might perhaps be a drag since it might be difficult to urge poles. But these running beans are often trained along old fences and with little urging will run up the stalks of the tallest sunflowers. in order that settles the pole question. there's a decorative side to the bean question. Suppose you plant these tall beans at the acute buttocks of every vegetable row. Make arches with supple tree limbs, binding them over to make the arch. Train the beans over these. When one stands facing the garden, what a gorgeous terminus these bean arches make.

Beans like rich, warm, sandy soil. so as to help the soil make certain to dig deeply, and work it over thoroughly for bean culture. It never does to plant beans before the planet has warmed up from its spring chills. there's another advantage in early digging of soil. It brings to the surface eggs and larvae of insects. The birds looking forward to food will even follow the plough to select from the soil these choice morsels. a touch lime worked in with the soil is useful within the cultivation of beans.

Bush beans are planted in drills about eighteen inches apart, while the pole-bean rows should be three feet apart. The drills for the bush limas should be further apart than those for the opposite dwarf beans say three feet. This amount of space gives opportunity for cultivation with the hoe. If the running beans climb too high just pinch off the growing extreme end, and this may twiddling my thumbs the upward growth.

Among bush beans are the dwarf, snap or string beans, the wax beans, the bush limas, one sort of which is understood as brittle beans. Among the pole beans are the pole limas, wax and scarlet runner. The scarlet runner may be a beauty for decorative effects. The flowers are scarlet and are fine against an old fence. These are quite lovely within the garden . Where one wishes a vine, this is often good to plant for one gets both a vegetable, bright flowers and a screen from the one plant. When planting beans put the bean within the soil edgewise with the attention down.

Beets like rich, sandy loam, also. Fresh manure worked into the soil is fatal for beets, because it is for several another crop. But we'll suppose that nothing is out there but fresh manure. Some gardeners tell work this into the soil with care and thoroughness. But however there's danger of a particle of it getting next to a young beet root. the subsequent are often done; Dig a trench a few foot deep, spread a skinny layer of manure during this , cover it with soil, and plant above this. By the time the most root strikes right down to the manure layer, there'll be little harm done. Beets shouldn't be transplanted. If the rows are one foot apart there's ample space for cultivation. Whenever the weather is basically settled, then these seeds could also be planted. Young beet tops make fine greens. Greater care should be taken in handling beets than usually is shown. When beets are to be boiled, if the tip of the basis and therefore the tops are stop , the beet bleeds. this suggests a loss of excellent material. Pinching off such parts with the fingers and doing this not too closely to the beet itself is that the proper method of handling.

There are big coarse members of the beet and cabbage families called the mangel wurzel and ruta baga. About here these are raised to feed to the cattle. they're an excellent addition to a cow's dinner.

The cabbage family may be a large one. there's the cabbage proper, then cauliflower, broccoli or a more hardy cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi, a cabbage-turnip combination.

Cauliflower may be a quite refined, high-toned cabbage relative. It needs a touch richer soil than cabbage and can't stand the frost. A frequent watering with manure water gives it the additional richness and water it really needs. The outer leaves must be bent over, as within the case of the young cabbage, so as to urge the white head. The dwarf varieties are rather the simplest to plant.

Kale isn't quite so particular a cousin. It can stand frost. Rich soil is important , and early spring planting, due to slow maturing. it's going to be planted in September for early spring work.

Brussels sprouts are a really popular member of this family. On account of their size many of us who don't wish to serve poor, common old cabbage will serve these. Brussels sprouts are interesting in their growth. The plant stalk runs skyward. At the highest , umbrella like, may be a close head of leaves, but this is often not what we eat. Shaded by the umbrella and packed right along the stalk are delicious little cabbages or sprouts. just like the remainder of the family an upscale soil is required and many of water during the growing period. The seed should be planted in May, and therefore the little plants transplanted into rich soil in late July. The rows should be eighteen inches apart, and therefore the plants one foot apart within the rows.

Kohlrabi may be a go-between within the families of cabbage and turnip. it's sometimes called the turnip-root cabbage. Just above the bottom the stem of this plant swells into a turnip-like vegetable. within the true turnip the swelling is underground, but just like the cabbage, kohlrabi forms its edible part above ground. it's easy to grow. Only it should develop rapidly, otherwise the swelling gets woody, then loses its good quality. Sow out as early as possible; or sow inside in March and transplant to the open. Plant in drills about two feet apart. Set the plants about one foot apart, or thin bent this distance. To plant 100 feet of drill buy half an oz of seed. Seed goes an extended way, you see. Kohlrabi is served and ready like turnip. it's a really satisfactory early crop.

Before leaving the cabbage family I should wish to say that the cabbage called Savoy is a superb variety to undertake . It should have an early planting under cover, say in February, then be transplanted into open beds in March or April. If the land is poor where you're to grow cabbage, then by all means choose Savoy.

Carrots are of two general kinds: those with long roots, and people with short roots. If long-rooted varieties are chosen, then the soil must be worked right down to a depth of eighteen inches, surely. The shorter ones will had best in eight inches of well-worked sandy soil. don't put carrot seed into freshly manured land. Another point in carrot culture is one concerning the thinning process. because the little seedlings come up you'll doubtless find that they're much, much too approximate . Wait a touch , thin a touch at a time, in order that young, tiny carrots could also be used on the house table. These are the points to jot about the culture of carrots.

The cucumber is that the next vegetable within the line. this is often a plant from foreign lands. Some think that the cucumber is basically a native of India. A light, sandy and rich soil is required I mean rich within the sense of richness in organic matter. When cucumbers are grown outdoors, as we are likely to grow them, they're planted in hills. Nowadays, they're grown in hothouses; they hang from the roof, and are an exquisite sight. within the greenhouse a hive of bees is kept in order that cross-fertilization may continue .

But if you plan to boost cucumbers follow these directions: Sow the seed inside, cover with one inch of rich soil. during a little space of six inches diameter, plant six seeds. Place sort of a bean seed with the germinating end within the soil. When all danger of frost is over, each set of six little plants, soil and every one , should be planted within the open. Later, when danger of insect pests is over, thin bent three plants during a hill. The hills should be about four feet apart on all sides.

Before the time of Christ, lettuce was grown and served. there's a wild lettuce from which the cultivated probably came. There are variety of cultivated vegetables which have wild ancestors, carrots, turnips and lettuce being the foremost common among them. Lettuce could also be tucked into the garden almost anywhere. it's surely one among the foremost decorative of vegetables. The compact head, the green of the leaves, the sweetness of symmetry of these are charming characteristics of lettuces.

As the summer advances and because the early sowings of lettuce get old they have a tendency to travel to seed. Don't allow them to . Pull them up. None folks are likely to travel into the seed-producing side of lettuce. What we have an interest in is that the raising of tender lettuce all the season. to possess such lettuce in mid and late summer is feasible only by frequent plantings of seed. If seed is planted every ten days or fortnight all summer, you'll have tender lettuce all the season. When lettuce gets old it becomes bitter and hard .

Melons are most interesting to experiment with. We suppose that melons originally came from Asia, and parts of Africa. Melons are a summer fruit. Over in England we discover the muskmelons often grown under glass hothouses. The vines are trained upward instead of allowed to lie prone. because the melons grow large within the hot, dry atmosphere, just the type which is true for his or her growth, they become too heavy for the vine to carry up. in order that they are held by little bags of netting, a bit like a tennis net in size of mesh. the luggage are supported on nails or pegs. it's a really pretty sight I can assure you. up here usually we raise our melons outdoors. they're planted in hills. Eight seeds are placed two inches apart and an in. deep. The hills should have a four foot sweep on all sides; the watermelon hills need to have an allowance of eight to 10 feet. Make the soil for these hills very rich. because the little plants get sizeable say about four inches tall reduce the amount of plants to 2 during a hill. Always in such work choose the very sturdiest plants to stay . Cut the others down on the brink of or a touch below the surface of the bottom . Pulling up plants may be a shocking thanks to get obviate them. I say shocking because the pull is probably going to disturb the roots of the 2 remaining plants. When the melon plant has reached a length of a foot, pinch off the top of it. This pinch means this to the plant: just stop growing long, take time now to grow branches. Sand or lime sprinkled about the hills tends to stay bugs away.

The word pumpkin stands permanently , old-fashioned pies, for Thanksgiving, for grandmother's house. It really brings more to mind than the word squash. I suppose the squash may be a bit more useful, once we consider the fine Hubbard, and therefore the nice little crooked-necked summer squashes; but in any case i prefer to possess more pumpkins. And as for Jack-o'-lanterns why they positively demand pumpkins. In planting these, an equivalent general directions hold good which got for melons. And use these same for squash-planting, too. But don't plant the 2 cousins together, for they need a bent to run together. Plant the pumpkins in between the hills of corn and let



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